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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2013, Volume-16, Issue-1and2 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448
Online ISSN : 0974-4614

Table of contents

Sudden cardiac deaths - an autopsy analysis from a tertiary care centre in coastal south India
Tanuj Kanchan, Prateek Rastogi, Nithin Kumar, Manisha Singh, Tripti, Shamira Naz Ansari

Upper limb severing caused by bull attack: a case report
Amit Sharma

Analysis of internal neck injuries in suicidal hanging - a prospective study of 63 autopsy cases done at Chennai
N Vijayakumari, R Vallinayagam

Wither before blossom: fetal death – a 5 year retrospective study
Rajesh Bardale, Vipul Ambade, Pradeep Dixit

Planned overkill of a toddler with a scissor by his mother's juvenile boyfriend: a case report
Jatin Bodwal, Mohit Chauhan, C Behera, Ahshish Bhute

Original Article

Estimation of age by eruption of permanent canine tooth in male and female subjects of south Karnataka, Indian population
G.M. Raju, A.H. Shivakumar, Naseema Begum, V. Vijaynath

Estimating stature from percutaneous length of ulna in north Indian population
Kulbhushan Garg, Akashdeep Aggarwal

Mortality trends in a tertiary care hospital at Indore
Manish Nigam, Richa Nigam, Rajesh Chaturvedi

Infanticide by organophosphorous poisoning – a case report
Lohith Kumar, Shadaab Raheel, Manish Kumath, Abhishek Yadav, Kulbhushan

Bottle gourd and bitter melon juice - A herbal diabetic cure proved fatal
Upender Kishore, Abhishek Yadav, R Lohith Kumar

Cases of “drowning” not backed by autopsy & diatoms test (drowning mess a result of lack of vision)
SK Sharma, Ram Chandra Bajpai

Thin-layer chromatographic detection of some antidepressant drugs commonly used in treatment of psychiatric disorders
Janhavi R. Vyavahare, T. S. Khedkar, Y. R. Reddy, B. D. Mali

Mid-childhood intracranial injuries: literature review and a case presentation
Uwom O. Eze

Sudden death due to colloidal cyst: a rare autopsy case report
Susheel Sharma, Tabin Millo

Post-mortem artefacts by animals - complexities in autopsy
R. Ravikumar


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