International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2012, Volume-14, Issue-3and4 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448
Online ISSN : 0974-4614 Table of contents Review Articles Medicolegal aspects of custodial death U. S. Sinha, Soni Verma Role of dentists in manmade disasters – a review P. Jaya Krishna Babu, T. Krishna Mohan ADHD and ITS co-morbid disorders – a review Pawan Kumar, Atul Murari, Yashoda Rani, SK Naik Medico-legal aspect of patient care Anoop Verma, A. K. Singh, Kanchan Singh, Mousami Singh, Sanjeet Kumar Identification of tricresyl phosphate (TCP) an adulterant in edible oils by HPTLC – densitometer. S.O. Chetti, S.K. Akuskar, M.K. Malve, R. Krishnamurthy The criminal procedure code (amendment) act of 2005 and its relevance in examination of victim of sexual assault: good practice in medico legal perspectives. Partha Pratim Mukhopadhyay Screening/spot test of aphrodisiacs (sex drugs) A. K. Jaiswal, Kamna Sharma, S. Lukose, Rajeev Kumar, Tabin Millo, O.P Murty Original Articles Availability of means of suicides Vipul N Ambade, Ajay N. Keoliya, Ashesh G. Wankhede Violent asphyxial deaths: a postmortem study in Manipur M. Bapin Kumar, Th. Meera, Ph. Memchoubi, H. Nabachandra Case Reports Sudden unexpected death in a 17 year old male-case report Nidhi Sachdeva, Mahesh C Meena, Yashoda Rani Exit of bullet through its own entry wound- a rare case report SK Naik, DK Atal, P Kumar, Y Rani, A Murari Botulism - a case report Puneet Khurana, J. S. Dalal Top |