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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 2007, Volume-10, Issue-1 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448

Table of contents

P. N. Murkey, B. H. Tirpude, K. Suken Singh, I. L. Khandekar, V. G. Pawar, A. S. Keche

Limitations of forensic toxicologists
Vinod Dhingra

A study of presence of ante-mortem administered drugs and to analyse them in the different stages of insect development
S. Gola, S. Lukose

Comparative study and changing trends of poisoning in year 2004–2005, at Surat, India
Sanjay Gupta, S. Kumar, M.I Sheikh

Hospital risk management-strategy to enhance safety
Vippin Kaushal, Sanjay Kumar Arya, Sanju Singh, Shyama S. Nagarajan, DK Sharma

Blunt force injures in culpable homicides
Shilekh Mittal, Ashok Chanana, Hakumat Rai

Extraction/Isolation methods for metallic, volatile and cyanide poisons from biological samples
A.K. Jaiswal, Tabin Millo, O.P Murty

Disability assessment: Indian vs. Global scenario
C.B. Jani, Pratik Kumar Patel, Hitesh Vaishnav

Death due to molten metal burns- A case report
Vikram Palimar, Manoj Kumar Mohanty, Arun M, Francis N.P. Monteiro

Comparision of body region prevalence of injury between medico legal cases and non medico legal cases
Saurabh Singh, Ajay Kumar Parsaik, Chethan Nagaraj, Anil Kumar Joshi, Manish Kumath, Adarsh Kumar

Case Reports

Accidental burial at work place
Prateek Rastogi, Tanuj Kanchan, K.R Nagesh

Forensic glass characterisation using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) spectroscopy
A. Visalakshi, K. P. Devarajan, D. Bhaskar, D. Kasthuri Bai, Jalaja Pattabiraman, Bhu. Shanmukham

A study of homicidal firearm injury cases in medico-legal autopsy
Amarjyoti Patowary

Modified cooper's procedure for blood alcohol-neoformation estimation by gas liquid chromatography without headspace
Y.S Bansal, D Singh, S.D Attrey, S.P Mandal

Study of incidence of sexual abuse in children under 18 at Tehran legal medical centers
Rana Hashemi, Maryam Khavandi, Azita Khatami Zonoozian, Fatemeh Samadi, Katayoon Sayyarinejad, Sohrab Fathi

Oesophageal stricture following aluminium phosphide (celphos) poisoning: A rare complication
S.N. Chugh, Surekha Dabla, Vijay Pal, Raj Kanwar Yadav, Arvind Garg


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