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International Journal of Medical Toxicology & Legal Medicine
Year 1999, Volume-1, Issue-2 (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0972-0448

Table of contents


O.P. Murty, S.K. Verma, V.V. Pillay

The origin of the different Indian population-groups and their actual ethnic composition: An analysis using blood-group frequency
Konrad Hummel

Status of forensic medicine in Pakistan
Mian Abdur Rasheed

Detection of metronidazole in biological fluids by derivative UV-spectrophotomtery
S.K. Shukla, D.R. Sharma, D.K. Kaushik, O.S. Mondhe

Suicides in relation to menstruation
C.R. Dode, A.C. Mohanty

Biochemical profile in a pesticides manufacturing unit
Bhoopendera Singh, CB Tripathi, TD Dogra

Correlation between stature and fingers length
AK Tyagi, A Kohli, SK Verma, BBL Aggarwal

Medical aspects of rape victim: Indian perspective
SK Verma, BBL Agarwal

A rapid chromatographic method for the analysis of organophosphorus insecticides from blood & plasma
Bhoopendera Singh, CB Tripathi, TD Dogra

Study of suicidal death: In Rural Region of Beed District of Maaharashtra
KD Chavan, RV Kachare, SK Goli

Fatal cardiac arrest in methemoglobinemia by nitro benzene – A case report
SK Gupta, T Kaleekal, G Usha

Is alcohol really good for cardiac health?
VV Pillay

Analysis of chloroxylenol in autopsy material by derivatie UV-Spectrophotometry
AK Srivastava, OS Mondhe, DR Sharma, SK Shukla

Suicide, suicide note & psychological autopsy – An overview
MS Bhatia, NK Aggarwal, T Millo, OP Murty

Report & Recommendations

International Conference and Workshop on recent Advances in Medical Toxicology, Legal Medicine, Forensic Cytology and Mstopathology held from 2–7th November 1998, AIIMS, New Delhi
OP Murty, SK Verma

Medicolegal Society Awards 1998
Dr. O.P. Murty, Dr. S.K. Verma, Dr. George Paul

Book Review

Read & Resolve Sex Problems in Marriage


International Workshop & Conference on Forensic Odontology and Superimposition: 2–4th February, 2001

Clinical Presentation and Treatment of Barbiturate Poisoning


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