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International Journal of Management IT and Engineering
Year 2022, Volume-12, Issue-12 (December)
Online ISSN : 2249-0558

Table of contents RSS Feed

Causes and rights of migration
Liaquat Ali Khan Hridoy

Climate change causes and effects
Liaquat Ali Khan Hridoy

The threat of terrorism and Rohingyas in Bangladesh
Liaquat Ali Khan Hridoy

Impact of E-tailing on consumers buying behaviour towards FMCG products
Dr. Shruti Punj

De l’equilibre comptable et son apport a la croissance economique
Par Mafumuke Eddy Pierre, Kabemba Ntambue Bienvenu, Et Mutambamutamba Job

Analysis of resource taxes based on tax analysis technique
Isaev Fakhriddin Ikromovich

Theoretical issues of off-site tax inspection and field tax inspection
Nazarov Sunnatulla Amirilloevich

On intuitionis tictrapezoidal fuzzy numbers
Dr. Mukhlal Sah, Dr. R.K Das

Base, sub-base and quasi neighburhood in intuitionistic fuzzy topological space
Biren Chandra Gorain, S. N. Adhikary, R. K. Das

Identifying most favorite digital channels of communication
Dr. Anil Dhawan

Survey of the opinion of Ghana on the integration of traditional and modern medicine
Subha Ranjan Ganguli, Dr Harsh Sharma

Effect of gamma irradiation on electrical properties of F16copc thin films
Krishna Gopal Pradhan, Dr Prince Bansal

Effectiveness and metabolites of sulfonamide and their uses in medicine
Shyamasri Maity, Dr Harsh Sharma


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