Off page optimization factors for page rank and link popularity Dr. Yadav Yogesh Department of Computer Science, Govt. PG College, Narnaul (Haryana) Abstract Off page optimization includes those techniques that can be done off the pages to increase traffic to your website. Off-page optimization are strategies for search engine optimization that are done off the pages of a website to maximize its performance in the search engines for target keywords related to the page content example of this are linking and placing keywords within links anchor texts (anchor texts are the labels of the links). Obtaining links are also considered off-page optimization, which include articles distribution, social networking, directory listings, blogging, link exchange, forum posting, etc. It is very important to note, though, that submitting your website to be linked to other websites randomly could hurt your website's ranking. You should only submit your website to directories or listings that are connected or are relevant to what you are offering to be able to properly achieve off-page optimization. These factors are off-site in that they are not controlled by on page factors.Examples of off-page optimization include things such as link popularity and page rank.Off page factors outside of normal control of the content of site. They are often referred to by search engine optimization experts as the “inbound links (IBL)” to a given web site from other websites. The more inbound links to a site, the higher its ranking will be on most search engines. Search engines are relying more and more on these elements when determining ranking because they are more resistant to spamming abuse. Top Keywords SEO, IBL, OBL, PR. Top | |
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