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Journal of Innovation in Mechanical Engineering
Year : 2019, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 42) Last page : ( 46)
Online ISSN : 2581-7019.

CNC Plotter Developed for Plethora Machining Purposes

Badam Mithil*, Subhashini PVS**

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Vasavi College of Engineering, Telangana, India



Online published on 27 September, 2019.


In the manufacturing of any mechanical component, it requires various operations like facing, drilling, boring etc. Earlier were used to machine by conventional lathes and milling machines. However, the present scenario is different, machining capabilities and the numbers of operations which are needed are automatically produced by using CNC machines. CNC (computer numerical control) is an automation of gadget equipment the usage of computers executing pre-programmed sequences of device manage instructions CNC is different from manually controlled machine and machines automated by computer aided manufacturing (CAM) alone. CNC machine moves in three (x, y, z) or more axes. CNC's are incredibly versatile and allows one to cut a variety of different types of products and materials. Most of the CNC's routers can cut soft and hard wood, plastics and other composites and nonferrous metals. This paper aims at fabricating a CNC machine which can draw images or text on the surface like paper, softwood, metal sheet etc. The fabricated CNC mini plotter has two axes, namely X and Y axis. It uses two stepper motors and a servo motor for zaxis. The machine is operated by accesses of Gcodes directly using software called ‘INKSCAPE’ microcontroller board, based on the ATmega328p microcontroller, which was developed by Aurdino.cc. Along with this, there are other electronic components like motor shield, stepper motor drive, GRBL controller are programmed for successful functions of the machine. The intension of the present work is to model a low cost and effectively working mini CNC plotter machine which can be used for plethora machining purposes.



CNC plotter, INKSCAPE, Fabrication, GRBL controller.


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