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Invertis Journal of Management
Year : 2019, Volume : 11, Issue : 2
First page : ( 43) Last page : ( 58)
Print ISSN : 0975-6310.

Consumer Attitude towards Online Buying-An Empirical Study on Internet Shoppers in Bareilly

Gupta Manish*, Srivastava J.N, Kumar Santosh

Department of Management, Invertis University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author email id: manish.g@invertis.org

Online published on 12 March, 2020.


Purpose-So far, in India, the Internet has primarily been used for enabling communications between individuals through various modes such as e-mailing, messaging or even social networking. The potential growth of online shopping has triggered the idea of conducting a study on online shopping in India. This paper investigates various factors shaping consumer attitudes towards online buying. Design/Methodology/Approach-Present study is a descriptive study; data were collected from the respondents with the help of a structured and undisguised questionnaire. Data gathered through the survey was analysed and interpreted with the help of SPSS software and tested by statistical techniques such as Reliability analysis, Frequencies distribution, Cross Tabulation, Factor analysis, One-way ANOVA. Findings-This study aims to identify factors affecting Indian consumers ’attitude toward shopping online. This information will surely help Internet retailers to strongly influence Indian shoppers Practical implications-These findings enable the e-commerce companies to gain meaningful insight into understanding the factors shaping the consumer attitude for online shopping. The study also provides a powerful tool for ecommerce marketers for strategy formulation in the areas of marketing, brand positioning etc.



Consumer attitude, Online shopping, Buying Intention, Shoppers.


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