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Invertis Journal of Management
Year : 2019, Volume : 11, Issue : 1
First page : ( 9) Last page : ( 20)
Print ISSN : 0975-6310.

An Empirical Study of Rural Consumer Shopping Orientation Towards Personal Care Products

Bansal Manmohan*, Gandhi Dheeraj**

Faculty of Management Studies, Invertis University, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India

*Corresponding author email id: manmohanssvgi@gmail.com


Online published on 17 February, 2020.


The popular image of a rural consumer is of one who has limited educational background, is exposed to limited products and brands, chooses price over quality, and is influenced by word-of-mouth communication The buying preferences of India's rural consumers are changing fast and several factors-economic, psychological, and technological-are coalescing to fuel this transformation. Shopping orientation is a complex and multi-dimensional concept affected by numerous interrelated variables. Reasons why individuals go shopping, extend miles beyond merely acquiring a product, to non-purchase reasons like a diversion from routine activities, exercise, sensory stimulation, social interaction, learning about new trends and even acquiring interpersonal power. The current empirical study educates about rural consumer buying behaviour towards personal care products to identify the demographic difference for the consumption of personal care products and shopping orientation of consumers towards personal care products. In order to realise the stated objectives, a structured questionnaire in regional language has been prepared and administered on the 100 respondents. The findings can be utilised by strategy makers, government agencies in targeting and developments of rural market. The study reveals that rural consumer demographic profiles like gender, education level, and family income have a significant role in influencing their buying behaviour. Rural consumers are becoming more experience-oriented. They collect information about the product and do not like to buy products without hands-on experience and focus on quality over price of personal care products.



Shopping, Buying, Gender, Buyer and Product.


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