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Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Year 2013, Volume-4, Issue-1 - Special Issue (January–June)
Print ISSN : 0973-4317

Table of contents

Prof. A. H. Siddiqi


On Random Dynamical Systems and Levels of Their Description
Reinhard Illner, Michèle De La Chevrotière

Numerical comparison of kinetic Fokker-Planck equations for vehicular trafic and related micro and macro models
A. Roth, A. Klar

Gradient and Extragradient Methods for an Elliptic Inverse Problem of Parameter Identification: A Numerical Study
Aviv Gibali, Baasansuren Jadamba, Akhtar A. Khan, James Oleksyn

Indirect Mutualism and Coexistence in Multispecies Ecological Communities: A Mathematical Approach
Bindhyachal Rai, Madhusudan Singh

A population balance model with simultaneous aggregation and breakage for the synthesis of Titanium dioxide nanoparticles
Rajesh Kumar, Jitendra Kumar

Genesis of “my Mathematics”
Michael Hilden

The sound of an evolving floating sculpture
Benjamin Seibold, Yossi Farjoun

Symbolic logic, humor and inconsistency
Anuradha Mahasinghe, Jagath Wijerathna

Construction of Vector-valued Nonuniform wavelets and wavelet packets
P. Manchanda, Meenakshi, A.H. Siddiqi

Recent developments in frame theory
Sana Khan, M. K. Ahmad


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