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Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Year 2023, Volume-14, Issue-1and2 (January-December)
Print ISSN: 0973-4317
Online ISSN: 1945-919X

Table of Contents

Prof. Pammy Manchanda

The Development of the Lithium Industry in Chile: A Multifactorial Challenge
Vlamir Muñoz, Andrés Soto-Bubert and Roberto Acevedo

Mathematical Testing and Adjustment to Measure the in situ Soaking of Halite Brines Salts in the Solar Ponds
Andres Soto-Bubert, Shajahan Shanavas, Roberto Cabrales and Roberto Acevedo

Water Quality Parameters Entropy Estimation
Shanky Garg and Rashmi Bhardwaj

Analytical functions associated with the heat capacities CP (T). Relevant Species in the Copper metallurgy
Victoria Anza, Juan P Queupil, Andrés Soto-Bubert, Rajendran Satheesh Kumar and Roberto Acevedo

A Comparative Study on the Numerical Simulation of Ordinary Differential Equation with Euler and higher Order Taylor’s Methods
Inderjeet and Rashmi Bhardwaj

Impact of Fleet Allocation on Production Indicators in Surface Mining
Elías Tapia, Camila González, Jaime Mora, Andrés Soto, Manuel Cánovas and Roberto Acevedo

Wavelet based Assessment of Air Quality: A Case Study
Vinita Sangwan and Rashmi Bhardwaj

Trends in Nanotechnology Part I: Chile - Metallic Resource
Isidora F. Garrido, Andrés Soto-Bubert and Roberto Acevedo


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