Efficacy of gluteal activation exercises along with met on pain, rom, strength and motor control in patients with piriformis syndrome Arora Bhumika1, Rishi Priyanka2, Sen Siddharth3 1MPT Student, Faculty of Physiotherapy, SGT University, Budhera, Gurugram, Haryana, India 2Assistant Professor, Faculty of Physiotherapy, SGT University, Budhera, Gurugram, Haryana, India 3Professor, Faculty of Physiotherapy, SGT University, Budhera, Gurugram, Haryana, India Online published on 14 October, 2021. Abstract Purpose This study determined the effect of gluteal activation exercises along with Muscle Energy Technique on pain, ROM, Strength and Motor control in patients with Piriformis Syndrome. Subjects Thirty subjects with Piriformis Syndrome were randomly allocated to Group A (Gluteal Activation Exercise, MET and Conventional treatment n=10) and Group B (MET and conventional treatment n=10) and Group C (Conventional treatment n=10). Methods Group A performed Gluteal Activation Exercises, MET and conventional(U/L and B/L Bridging Exercises, buttock squeezing exercise, Prone Extension with knee bend to 90*, 10 reps for 2 sets and MET of Piriformis 5 to 7 sec hold for 5 to 6 reps) Group B performed MET (MET of Piriformis 5 to 7 sec hold for 5 to 6 reps) and Group (Piriformis stretching Exercises 30 sec hold for 3 sets, Hot pack for 10 mins and deep friction massage for 10 mins)all these exercises were performed for 3 times a week for 4 weeks. Pain {measured by (NPRS)}, Gluteal and Piriformis strength {measured by MicroFET2 Dynamometer}ROM {measured by Universal Goniometer}, Motor Control {assessed by (Patient Specific Functional Scale)} were assessed at Baseline and at 4th week of intervention. Result Significant differences were seen in all the 3 groups, but Group A showed more significant difference as compared to Group B and C. Conclusion Gluteal Activation Exercises along with MET is more effective in improving Pain, ROM, Strength and Motor Control in patients with Piriformis syndrome patients. Top Keywords Piriformis syndrome, Gluteal activation exercises, MET, Dynamometer, Goniometer PSFS, NPRS. Top |