Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Care
Sgt University
Print ISSN: 2394-2363
Online ISSN: 2394-2800
Number of issues per year: 3
Print frequency: Thrice a year
Month(s) of publication: April, August and November
Description: Indian Journal of Health Sciences and care is a multidisciplinary peer reviewed journal to provide a forum for innovative and thought provoking ideas in medical, dental and other technical specialties. This journal aims at publishing new, challenging and radical ideas, dedicated to promote high quality research work in the field of health and allied sciences. Papers with theoretical or applied approaches, focusing on different phases of medical, dental and health research on new concepts and technologies in the field of health sciences would be welcome. Thus, providing a common and single platform where various medical and paramedical advances can be discussed and analysed.
Indexed/Abstracted - Indian Citation Index, Google Scholar, EBSCO Discovery, CNKI Scholar, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), Eurasian Scientific Journal Index, J-Gate, Directory of Research Journals Indexing(DRJI), Indian Science, Indian Science Abstract.
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