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Indian Journal of Horticulture
Year 2022, Volume-79, Issue-4 (December)
Print ISSN: 0972-8538
Online ISSN: 0974-0112

Table of Contents

Section-A: Crop Improvement

Molecular characterization and relationship among wild and partially cultivated Rosa species
Aparna Veluru, K.V. Bhat, Tolety Janakiram, K. V. Prasad, D.V.S Raju, Namita, Sapna Panwar and K. P. Singh

Characterization of acid lime genotypes using SSR markers
Shilpy Kumari, Akash Sharma, Parshant Bakshi, Romesh Salgotra, Manish Sharma, Vishal Gupta and G.K. Rai

Variations in the hybrid progeny of low chill white × yellow fleshed peaches
Shikha Saini, Anirudh Thakur, Harminder Singh and Dharminder Bhatia

Evaluation of tenera oil palm hybrids in western costal region of India
M. S. Gawankar, S. Sumitha, H. P. Maheswarappa, R. K. Mathur, P. M. Haldankar and P. P. Debaje

Differential expression of polyembryony in certain mango genotypes
N. M. Kanade, R. M. Kurian and M. Sankaran

Section-B: Crop Production

Thermal requirement for phenophases of mango varieties in the subhumid tropics of east-central India
Vikas Ramteke, A. Sanadya, Narendra Kumar and A. K. Kerketta

Seasonal incidence of spider mite in gerbera and its management under protected cultivation
Ifrahim Zehra, Abu Manzar, M. J. Ahmad, I. T. Nazki, Nageena Nazir and F. A. Khan

Endogenous reserves of carbohydrates, protein and phenol influences dormancy and sprouting of bulbs of tuberose
Subham Paul and S. S. Gantait

Management of alternate bearing and flower induction in litchi cv. China
M.K. Dhakar, Bikash Das, Sridhar Gutam, Prakash Patil and A. K. Singh

Evaluation of bio-control agents for management of fruit rot and its effect on seed quality in chilli
B. Gowda C., Atul Kumar, S. K. Lal, Jameel Akhtar, G. P. Mishra, S. K. Tiwari, Ravindra Kumar and Shaily Javeria

Economic feasibility of grow bag based cucumber and capsicum cultivation under greenhouse
R. D. Randhe, Murtaza Hasan, D. K. Singh, Pramod Kumar and Prakash, P.

A comparative evaluation of micro-propagated and seed derived plants of intergeneric papaya hybrids
Kaluram, Vasugi C., Pious Thomas, M. R. Dinesh and Nandeesha P.

Standardization of seed rates for turf establishment under mid hill conditions
Ashna Acharya, J. S. Wazir and Rajesh Bhalla

Section-C: Post Harvest Technology and Trade

Exogenous spermine treatment modulates senescence and maintains postharvest quality of guava fruit
S.K. Sahu, Kalyan Barman and A.K. Singh

Novel ready to serve beverage from green tomato
S. H. Akbari, A. H. Patel, B. B. Patel and H. G. Bhatt

Influence of temperature on natural ripening of mango
Supriya Priyadarsani and Abhijit Kar

Effect of precooling on quality of pear fruits during storage
Kashika Mahajan, S. K. Gupta, S. R. Sharma and Swati Kapoor

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