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Indian Journal of Horticulture
Year : 2012, Volume : 69, Issue : 2
First page : ( 239) Last page : ( 245)
Print ISSN : 0972-8538. Online ISSN : 0974-0112.

Exploring genetic relationships in Artemisia species growing in trans-Himalayan cold arid desert using RAPD markers

Kumar Jitendra, Mishra Gyan P.*, Murkute A.A.1, Phanikumar G.2, Naik Pradeep K.3, Srivastava R.B.

Defence Institute of High Altitude Research, DRDO, C/o 56 APO, Leh, 901 205, Jammu & Kashmir

1Directorate of Onion and Garlic Research, ICAR, Pune, Maharashtra

2Defence Food Research Laboratory, DRDO, Mysore, Karnataka

3Jaypee University of Information Technology, Solan, Himachal Pradesh

*Corresponding author's present address: Directorate of Groundnut Research, ICAR, Junagadh; E-mail: gyan.gene@gmail.com

Online published on 21 July, 2012.


Genetic relationship of five Artemisia species from Trans-Himalayas of Ladakh was assessed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker. Twenty RAPD primers generated a total of 134 bands, with an average of 6.7 bands per primer. Out of 134 bands scored, 97% were found polymorphic while only 3% were monomorphic. The resolving power of primers ranged from 5.44 to 10.64. The ranges of similarity between species varied from 0.480 to 0.775. According to the Unweighted Pair Group Method using Arithmetic Averages (UPGMA) derived dendrogram, at a similarity level of 0.25, the populations were divided into two main groups. With regard to the genetic diversity parameters calculated for different species of origin, maximum and minimum number of effective alleles was observed in A. annua (1.601) and A. gmelinii (1.049) species, respectively. The percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) Nei's gene diversity (H) and Shannon's information index (I) for different species, indicated that diversity was highest in A. annua (PPL = 75.56%, H = 0.3283 and I = 0.472) and lowest in A. gmelinii (PPL = 9.63%, H = 0.032 and I = 0.049). The degree of genetic diversity observed using RAPD markers revealed that this approach is very effective in studying not only the phylogeny but also for the future conservation of medicinal wealth of various Artemisia species from this fragile environment of trans-Himalayas.



Artemisia, genetic diversity, RAPD, trans-Himalayas.


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