Evidence of a new Musa species - M. swarnaphalya in India and its confirmation through morpho-molecular characterization Uma S.**, Saraswathi M.S., Durai P. National Research Centre for Banana, Thogamalai Road, Thayanur Post, Tiruchirapalli, 620 102, Tamil Nadu **Corresponding author's E-mail: umabinit@yahoo.co.in.
Abstract A new species, Musa swarnaphalya, Uma, Saraswathi and Durai, has been identified from Sessa village of Balukpong district in southern Arunachal Pradesh. It is characterised by its unique greenish-yellow colour male bud. Diploid status of this species was proven using flow cytometry and its identity as a new species was assessed through morpho-taxonomy and confirmed through RAPD and IRAP markers. M. swarnaphalya grouped with M. itinerans and M. nagensium in a distinct cluster confirming its stand within the section Eumusa. Freedom from pests and diseases in its place of distribution suggests its possible utility as a resistant gene source in future breeding programmes. Top Keywords Banana, Musa swarnaphalya, new species. Top | | |
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