Effect of convective drying on quality of anardana Singh D.B.*, Kingsly A.R.P. Central Institute of Post Harvest Engineering and Technology, Abohar, 152 116, Punjab. *Corresponding author's: E-mail: deshbsingh@rediffmail.com
Abstract The conventional utilization of wild pomegranate fruit lies in the drying seeds alongwith pulp (arils) which constitute the product ‘anardana’. The dehydrated arils are acidic and help in improving mouth feel and digestion. Drying temperature is optimized in this study for getting better end product with quality retention during storage. The arils were dehydrated at 50, 55, 60°C and packed in polyethylene bags. The change in quality parameters such as acidity, colour, microbial load and enzymatic browning were studied. Pomegranate arils dried at 55°C drying air temperature (drying time, 7 h) retained desirable and acceptable quality parameters (titrable acidity 7.8%, Vitamin C as ascorbic acid, 15.16 mg/100 g) up to 180 days of storage. The appealing red colour of the product changed with storage period. The product obtained by drying at 55°C had permissible NE browning and microbial load within acceptable limits. Top | | |
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