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Indian Journal of Horticulture
Year : 2007, Volume : 64, Issue : 4
First page : ( 415) Last page : ( 419)
Print ISSN : 0972-8538.

Stability analysis of some elite onion lines in late kharif season

Khar Anil, Devi A. Asha, Mahajan V.*, Lawande K.E.

National Research Centre for Onion and Garlic, Rajgurunagar, Pune, 410 505

*Corresponding author's: E-mail: vijbmaha@yahoo.com

Received:  June,  2006; Revised:  November,  2006; Accepted:  January,  2007.


Ten promising lines of onion were evaluated for three years along with checks viz., Baswant 780, N–2–4–1, Agrifound Light Red, Agrifound Dark Red and Arka Niketan during late kharif season. Baswant 780 performed well in favourable environments for total yield and marketable yield and also had less number of leaves along with less bolters which were stable. Stability response in ALR during late kharif was unpredictable for TSS, total yield, percentage doubles and bolters. Similarly, ADR was unpredictable for plant height, number of leaves, TSS and marketable yield. N–2–4–1 was unpredictable for marketable yield and Arka Niketan for percentage bolters. All the commercial varieties, except B-780, were found to be unsuitable for late kharif season. Considering the marketable and total yield among the genotypes evaluated, genotype 671 showed stable performance for four desirable characters viz., dwarf plant height, more polar diameter of the bulb, high marketable yield and less number of bolters which was followed by genotype 571 for high marketable yield and less doubles and genotype 597 for high total yield and more polar diameter. Hence, these genotypes can be exploited in breeding programme for increasing the production of onion, particularly during late kharif season.


Key words

Stability analysis, onion, Allium cepa L., regression coefficient.


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