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Indian Journal of Horticulture
Year : 2002, Volume : 59, Issue : 2
First page : ( 113) Last page : ( 117)
Print ISSN : 0972-8538.

Effect of packaging and storage on shelf-life and quality of banana cv. Karpuravalli

Narayana C.K., Mustafa M.M., Sathiamoorthy S.

National Research Centre for Banana, Trichy 620 102


The shelf-life of fruits in unvented polybags was maximum (19.33 days) at 13°C followed by zero energy cool chamber (7.33 days) and the least was under ambient conditions (6.67 days) as compared to 19, 8.33 and 7.67 days respectively with ventilation. Non-significant variation was observed for TSS of fruits under all the three storage conditions.. The acidity increased gradually up to the end of green life and then decreased (in unvented polybags) or remained same (in ventilated and control) till the end of yellow life. Reducing sugars and total sugars increased gradually throughout the storage period and was maximum in control and ventilated bags than the unvented polybags. Spoilage was maximum in unvented polybags especially under ambient and zero energy cool chamber conditions. Storing of Karpuravalli banana fruits in unvented polybags at low temperature could significantly increase the green life up to 19.33 days while storage under zero energy cool chamber or ambient condition requires ventilation (0.5%) to reduce spoilage.


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