Evaluation of Some Mango Cultivars on the Basis of Their Biochemical Composition Kalra S. K., Singh Harmail, Chadha K. L. Central Mango Research Station, Lucknow-226 006 Summary There is a programme of world mango germplasm collection at the Experimental Station of the Central Mango Research Station, Lucknow (U.P.). Some of these varieties were analyzed to determine their prospective processing and nutritive values. The per cent TSS (17.7 ± 3.5), reducing sugar (4.3 ± 1.4), acidity (.32 ±. 23), and mg per cent of β-carotene (2.5 ± 1.5) tannins (109 ± 54), protein (.31 ±. 08), vitamin C (13.3 ±8.6), and pH (4.8 ±.5) displayed significant differences among different cultivars. Interestingly, local varieties like Dashehari, Mallika and Langra were found to be high in tannins (162–246 mg/100 g pulp) and average in protein contents. However, tannins had significant correlation with TSS, β-carotene and vitamin C. Proteins and reducing sugars had reciprocal correlation. From the point of view of nutritive value, many other varieties excelled local mangoes. Top | |
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