Capsaicin and Plant Characters in Chillies Balasubramanian Theymoli, Raj D., Kasthuri R., Rengawamy P. Department of Biochemistry, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641003. Summary Analysis of red chillies of their capsaicin content and its correlation with different plant characters revealed the existence of positive correlation between capsaicin and (i) log length of leaves, (ii) breadth of leaves (iii) surface area of leaves (iv) number of fruits per plant (v) and weight of fruits per plant. Non capsaicin nitrogen and capsaicin were found to have negative correlation with each other. Bright red coloured fruits with thin and pointed shape contained more capsaicin than other shaped/coloured fruits. Discriminant function for bunching and non-bunching cultivars is also reported. Top | |
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