Correlations among different stability parameters for grain yield in chickpea Kumar Shiv, Singh Onkar, Rheenen H. A. Van, Rao K. V. S. International Crops Research Institutes for Semi-Arid Tropics, Patancheru 502 324. Abstract The presence of Genotype x Environment (G x E) interaction in plant breeding experiments led to the development of several stability parameter in the put few decades. The interrelationships among different stability parameten available in the literature showed highly significant correlation between sf and bi, and among φ(i), ωi2, Wi2, Sdi2, ri2, and Si4. None of the parameten except CVi was consistently correlated with mean yield. Ranking of genotypes based on these stability parameten was different over different subsets of environments within each trial indicating their poor repeatability. Top Keywords Genotype x environment interaction, phenotypic stability, chickpea. Top | |
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