Inheritance of wilt resistance in pigeonpea Pandey R. N., Pawar S. E., Bhatia C. R. Nuclear Agriculture Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay Bombay 400085. Abstract Inheritance of resistance to fusarium wilt in the F1, F2 and F3 generations of the cross IT 6 X ICP 8863 in pigeonpea was studied by pot and laboratory screening methods using fusarium udum isolate 8801. The survival of the susceptible and resistant parents ranged between 0–7% and 87–94%, respectively in the wilt sick pots and between 3–8% and 94–100% in the laboratory. The reaction of the F1 plants indicated dominance of resistance over susceptibility. Segregations in the F2 and F3 generations indicated dominant monogenic inheritance of wilt resistance. It is inferred that ICP8863 has one dominantgene (FuR1) for resistance against the pathogen isolate 8801. Top Keywords Cajanus cajan, fusarium udum, inheritance, resistance. Top | |
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