Fodder Quality in Sorghum* Ahluwalia M., Rao M. J. Vasudeva1 Division of Genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi-110 012, India 1Present address: ICRISAT, 1-11-256, Begumpet, Hyderabad, 500 016 India,
*Part of Ph.D. thesis submitted by the junior author. Summary The genetics of protein content and IVDMD of fodder sorghums was studied in a 10-parent diallel and a 4 × 10 line x tester mating designs. Both the characters exhibited preponderant additive gene action in their inheritance in addition to presence of non-additive genetic variance. The grain sorghums were better general combiners than fodder sorghums for the quality characters. ‘Pusa Chari-I’ was found to be a good genetic source for improving digestibility. Reciprocal recurrent selection after an initial straight selection for the quality characters is suggested as the breeding procedure to be adopted to improve fodder quality in sorghums. Top | |
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