Association Analysis in Linseed Patil V. D., Makne V. G., Chaudhari V. P. Dept. of Agric. Botany, M. A. U., Parbhani, India Summary Twenty six genotypes of linseed showing a wide range of variability have been studied for different characters. Through genotypic character association and path coefficient analyses, efforts have been made to determine the suitable plant type in linseed. Yield per plant shows significant positive correlation with capsules per plant and seeds per capsule. Similarly the path coefficient analysis indicated the importance of number of branches per plant, capsules per plant, seeds per capsules and 1000 seed weight which have direct effect on yield. Grain yield is negatively associated with the 1000 seed weight. This would mean that it is not possible to select for large seed weight without affecting the number of seeds per capsule. The capsules are borne on secondary and tertiary branches and therefore, larger number of secondary and tertiary branches are important in the model plant type. Top | |
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