Induced Variability in Soybean Upadhyaya H. D., Singh B. B. Department of Plant Breeding, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar Summary The magnitude of induced genetic variability for different quantitative characters was estimated in the M3 generations of seven soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merril] varieties irradiated with 10 kr, 15 kr and 20 kr gamma rays. In mean performance irradiated populations were not significantly different from the unirradiated populations for most of the characters. However, the total variances within irradiated populations were significantly higher than the variances in control populations for most of the characters indicating induced genetic variability. The magnitude of differences in variance for yield/plant was highest between ‘Ankur’ 15 kr and ‘Ankur’ 0 kr. Top | |
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