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International Journal of Geomatics and Geosciences
Year : 2016, Volume : 6, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1734) Last page : ( 1747)
Online ISSN : 0976-4380.

Solid waste disposal site selection by data analysis using GIS and Remote sensing tools: A case study in Thiruvananthapuram corporation area

Poorna C Asha1, Vinod P. G.2

1Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden Research Institute, Research Scientist, Palode, Thiruvanthapuram. drpoorna2015@gmail.com

2Scientist, GeoVin Solutions, Thiruvanthapuram, Kerala

Online published on 14 November, 2017.


The major environmental issue faced by urbanization and industrialization is generation of large quantity of solid waste. Effective solid waste management is required for proper disposal of this waste produced. The major problem they are facing is to find a suitable site for waste disposal by overcoming major constrains such as political, economic and environmental pressures for execution of a suitable site. In this paper we focus on the strategies to be followed while selecting a solid waste disposal site for decentralized system, using Geographic Information System (GIS), the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the remote sensing method focusing on highly populated Thiruvananthapuram Corporation, capital Kerala, located on the west coast of India. Being on the basin of Killiyar and Karamana River, the waste managements must be regulated with the water body. The different physical criteria considered are slope, drainage, waterbodies and residential area with sub criteria like population distance from road, waterbodies and residential area are examined in relation to land fill site selection. Each criterion was identified and weighted by AHP score and mapped using GIS technique and suitable map is prepared by overlay analysis. The result indicates that 12% area is suitable and 6% area moderately acceptable and % not suitable.



Geographic Information System, Analytical Hierarchy Process, solid waste disposal, site selection, remote sensing.


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