Exploring Cooperative strategies between India and Japan: A view on Banking Industry Bansal Puneet1, Manager, Vallaturu Venkata Krishna2, Senior Associate Consultant, Bansal Verticka2, Associate Manager 1Project Advisory and Structured Finance, SBI Capital Markets Ltd, 202, Maker Towers ‘E’, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400 005, Email: puneet.bansal@sbicaps.com 2Infosys Technologies Ltd Rajiv Gandhi IT Park, Hinjewadi, Pune-411057 Email: venkatakrishna_v01@infosys.com 3Project Finance and Leasing SBU, State Bank of India, 3rd Floor, State Bank Bhavan Madam Cama Road, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021, Email: verticka.mgmt@sbi.co.in Abstract The importance of cooperative strategies can never be over emphasized particularly in the context of developing economies where open markets economy has provided them opportunities to serve at the international scale. Indian Banking industry has taken huge strides in shaping up the development of country and has grown immensely over the last decade; still it is yet to make a mark on the international financial map. While most of our international association regarding banks is limited to America and Europe, efforts are being made to develop stronger bonds with Japan which may serve as a gateway to one of the important economic hubs of the world. An attempt has been made in this paper to review trends and opportunities of India-Japan collaboration for banking firms from India to face the emerging challenges. A brief study of history of India Japan banking linkage has been made. Reality of trade interactions between the two countries, banking in particular has been reviewed. The key findings have been discussed and reasons for those findings have been tried to be examined. Key implications and suggestion for possible collaboration in the banking sector have been explored for the leadership role of the two countries to enhance the business propositions for both the countries. Top Keywords Cooperative strategies, collaboration, Banking, Japan, Developing economies. Top |