Influence of nitrogen management on growth and yield of rice under SRI technique Saravanakumar S1,*, Panneerselvam S2 1ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, MYRADA, Erode638453Tamil Nadu, India 2Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural UniversityCoimbatore641003Tamil Nadu, India *Email for correspondence:
Online published on 6 May, 2021. Abstract Field experiment was conducted on rice with different levels of nitrogen management (100% RDF along with biofertilizer, 125% RDF+ biofertilizer, LCC-based nitrogen management CV-3, 4 and 5, 50% N through organic sources and 50% N through inorganic sources, 100% N through organic sources, without N application P and K recommended dose and absolute control). The highest plant height, leaf area index and dry matter production were recorded in the 125 per cent RDF + biofertilizer applied treatment. N (100%) applied through organic sources recorded the highest grain and straw yield over the other treatments. All the growth and yield parameters were recorded at lowest in absolute control. The straw yield was increased with the application of 100 per cent N through organic sources due to the adequate nutrient supply throughout the growing period of the crop. Application of nitrogen (187 kg/ha) through organic sources viz in situ growing and incorporation of dhaincha along with 4.0 tonnes/ha of vermicompost recorded the highest grain yield of 6,710 kg/ha with benefit-cost ratio of 3.06. The results indicated that salt tolerant rice variety, TRY 1 performed better in SRI method of cultivation under alkaline soil environment. Top Keywords Growth, Nitrogen, Nutrition, System of rice intensification, Yield. Top |