Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year 2010, Volume-4, Issue-2 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122
Online ISSN : 0973-9130 Table of contents Role of dentist in identification in mass disaster Akhilesh Chandra, Bastian T.S., Anil Singh, Bhagirathi D.L. Acute copper sulphate poisoning: A case report Amit Sharma Forensic implications of parasomnias Amarendra N. Singh An unusual case of death due to buffalo gore - A case report Santhosh C. S., Vishwanathan K. G., Satish Babu B. S., Selva Kumar, Bande Nawaz A study of estimation of stature from length of fingers in Mysore Annie J. Verghese, Balaraj B. M., Pramod Kumar G. N. Is dermatoglyphics a reliable criteria for quantifying oral and systemic diseases- A review Narendra Nath Singh, Anshu Sharma, Dishnater Goel, Ankit Singhal, Tarun Khera, Anshu Sharma Growth pattern of laryngeal cartilages in human foetuses - An analysis Ashok Kumar Garg, Neerja Garg, Anu Garg Successful treatment of body packers with many packages Mostafazadeh Babak, Rasuli Mohammadhossein, Talaie Haleh, Babaei Ghazani Babak, Afsharian Shishevan Tahmineh Section 377 Indian penal code and its present scenario K. K. Bairagi, S. Kumar, M. Murugan Injuries in riders and pillion riders of fatal two wheeler road traffic accidents in city of Guwahati K. K. Bairagi, S.I. Barbhuiyan, N. Hazarika Pattern of homicidal deaths in children in Bangalore (2003–2009) Basappa S. Hugar, S. Harish, Y. P. Girish Chandra Thin layer chromatographic and spot test detection of carbosulfan by alkaline fast Blue-B reagent J. Bhatia, J. D. Sharma Aluminium and Alzheimer's disease – An overview Chandrashekhar Karpoor, Savitha S. Shettar Study of electrical injuries in fatal cases at Victoria Hospital, Bangalore (Nov 2003 to Oct 2005) Chandru K Effect of chlosite (xanthan gel with chlorhexidine) on clinical & microbiological parameters in smokers - A case series Chetan Chandra, Sumi Chandra Guidelines for collecting forensic samples in casualty A. D. Ropmay Medico-legal and socio-demographic profile of rape cases in district hospital, Adilabad (Andhra Pradesh) Rajnish Borkar, M S M Bashir, Swapna Meshram, S Madhusudan Prophylactic and antidotal effects of L-carnitine administration against valproic acid-induced hepatotoxicity in high risk children -A clinical study Mohamed A. M. Khalaf, Gamal B. Mohamed, Abdel-Azem M. El-Mazary, Salama R. Abdelraheim Sexual dimorphism of skull – morphological and mathematical facets Hareesh S Gouda, Binaya Kumar Bastia Anticonvulsant Induced Osteomalacia in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh Harsh Misra, Yogesh Kumar Rai, Sunita Singh, Vivek Singh Palatoscopy: A review Hemanth M, Vidya M, Nandaprasad, Bhavana V Karkera Biochemical changes in acute organophosphorus pesticide poisoning in Bijapur, Karnataka Indira A. Hundekari, A. N. Suryakar, D.B. Rathi Comparative x-ray structure analysis of systemic fungicides β-4(−chlorophenoxy)-α-(1,1dimethylethyl))1h-1,2,4-triazole-1-ethanol and 1-(4-chlorophenoxy) 3,3-dimethyl-1- h(1,2,4-triazole-1-y-1)2-butanone Jyotsna Chauhan Jatropha poisoning (Bio-diesel Poisoning) - A case report S S Kalyanshettar, S V Patil, A S Akki, S Naren Hopelessness, self-esteem and reaction to frustration in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome and normal controls Sudeshna Chakrabarti, Kamlesh Kumar Sahu, Soma Hazra Trends of sex related crime in india and its quality management Manoj Kumar Pathak, Prashant Agrawal, S K Tripathi Psychological aspects behind dating Thomas Mathew A rare case of elongated styloid process Umesh S R, Nagesh Kuppast Burns and burning issue in Gulberga, Karnataka Prakash I. Babladi, V. Vijayanath, S.N. Vijayamahantesh Pattern of appearance and age from sesamoid bones in hand In Ahmedabad population R.C. Zariwala, D.S. Patel, T.J. Mehta, R.S. Bhise A study on victims and accused of sexual offences in South Delhi S.C. Sarkar, R.K. Sharma, D.N. Bhardwaj, T.D. Dogra A study of sexual offences in Tripura S.C. Sarkar A multidimensional and retrospective analysis of female suicide deaths in Chennai Selva Kumar, Srinivasa Ragavan, Dipti Baskar, S. Revathy Care allowance for people in need of care in Turkey: An ethical and social evaluation Sema Odlak, Erdem Ozkara A study of duplication of the optic canals in human adult skulls of North Karnataka Shailaja C. Math, Sandhya R. Kulkarni, Vijaya Kumar B. Jatti, Shobha Prognathism as race appraisal criterion in a study of 60 Indian crania of known sex using metric and non-metric modes – Assessment of methodology Sumati, Patnaik Vvg Study of nature of ground, height of fall and injuries sustained C.R. Vasudevamurthy, S. Harish, Y. P. Girish Chandra Irrational drug utilization in urology unit Venkatesh M. Patil, Rajeshwari. R Surpur, Anitha M. R, Vijayanath V. Estimation of time since death by gastric contents: An overview Vijaya Kumar B. Jatti, Dharmaraya Ingale, Chandru K, Chandrashekhar Karpoor Consumption of super vasmol poison and its effects on human lungs: A case report Ananda Kumar L, Siraj Mohiyuddin S, Jacobdoss P Top |