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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year 2009, Volume-3, Issue-2 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122
Online ISSN : 0973-9130

Table of contents

A study of disseminated intravascular coagulation in routine autopsies
Dinesh Rao, P. R. Pathak, Dongre, Divya Sood

Possibility of gender misclassifications due to animal cross-amplifications in the human amelogenin test
F. Francès, F. Verdú, A. Castelló, O. Portolés, P. Guillem, D. Corella

Inter- and Intra-individual polymorphism in mtDNA control region: A preliminary report on mtDNA haplotypes, inheritance and segregation of heteroplasmy in 10 maternal pedigrees
Garima Agrawal, Devinder Singh, Vijay Kumar Goyal

Pattern of head injury in homicidal deaths
Mohammed Iliyas Sheikh, Prajapati Pranav, Chandresh Tailor, Satish Kumar

Study of some socio-etiological aspects of dowry related deaths at Government Medical College Aurangabd, Maharashtra
Kailas U. Zine, A. Mugadlimath, S. J. Gadge, V. S. Kalokhe, R. G. Bhusale

Forensic Psychology: The ultimate tool to counter terrorism
Thomas Mathew

A study of snake bite poisoning in Gulbarga region (a five year study)
Udaykumar C. Nuchhi, Rajan K. Shah, K. S. Narayan Reddy

Marine toxin envenomation – A cause of stroke in young?
S. Ramesh Kannan

Human Cloning - Scientific, ethical and legal perspective – A World View
Saadiya Saeed, Shamim Jahan Rizvi

Plastination: An attempt for oral specimen
M. Vidya, Nandaprasad, Bhavana V. Karkera, M. Hemanth, M. Shakil

Mutation in paternally transmitted alleles at FGA microsatelite locus: A case of allele mismatch in the child
Eunus Ali, Shafiul Alam, Ahmad Ferdous, Mahamud Hasan, Tania Hossain, Sharif Akhteruzzaman

Bio medical waste management control-mortuary infections
Kadapa Srinivasulu

Physicochemical interactions in between eccrine and series of cations {According to hofmeister series (ref. 8)}
Vaneet Dhir

Terms of suicide
V. Vijayanath, M.R. Anitha, G. M. Raju

Forensic aspects of mechanisms of cervical spine injuries due to motorcycle accidents
Werasak Charaschaisri, Kesanee Jongprasartsuk

Comparison of alcohol levels in right heart blood, left heart blood and femoral blood in 30 forensic autopsy cases
Yalcin Buyuk, Ibrahim Uzun, A. Sadi Cagdir, Handan C. Ankarali, Ismail Kocaaga

Characterization using instrumentation of local glue related glue sniffing activity
Abdul Rahim Yacob, Mohamad Raizul Zinalibdin


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