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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year 2009, Volume-3, Issue-1 (January–June)
Online ISSN : 0973-9130
Print ISSN : 0973-9122

Table of contents

Lightning fatalities – A review of the 98 cases
William Dokov

Femoral neck-shaft angle increase in habitual squatters
Y. Vivek, Rashmi S. Bhopi, C. Jairaj Kumar, Savinaya Kumar, Arunachalam Kumar

Risk of hemorrhage in methanol toxicity
Babak Mostafazadeh, Abbas Aghabiklooei, Arezou Mahdavinejad

An unusual presentation of organophosphorus poisoning in a young female with multiple boils with cellulitis
K. Roy, K.L. Karmakar, A. Talukdar, K. Ghosh, S. Pulai

Age estimation using cervical vertebrae
CSK Chaitanya Nallan, I.M. Ali, M.C. Shashikanth

Cheiloscopy – A Review
Chandramani More, Ranjit Patil, Mukesh Asrani, Shailesh Gondivkar, Hasumati Patel

The chemical BPA – A threat to human life?
Chandan Datta, Suparna Datta, U.B. Roy Chowdhury

Human identification using palatal rugae: Manual method
M Hemanth, M Vidya, Nandaprasad, Bhavana V Karkera

Prolonged hypotension – An unusual complication following nitrazepam overdose
Kiran Gopinath, Margaret Rose, G. Vijayan

Alcohol and illicit drugs among subjects involved in road crashes in Florence, Italy
Francesco Mari, Fabio Voller, Gabriele Bardazzi, Padua Marianna Di, Lucia Politi, Maria Grazia Di Milia, Veronica Santarlasci, Cristina Orsini, Elisabetta Bertol

Medicolegal masquerade – A case report
M.S. Kiran, Shashidhar C. Mestri, N. Jagadeesh

Perforation peritonitis due to burns – A case report
Mohan N. Pawar

Amino acid racemization – A guide to dental age estimation
Priyanka Singh, TS Bastian, Anil Singh, Rohit Jaiswal

Homosexuality – A socio-medicolegal study
Sandeep S. Kadu, Parikshit S Jondhale, Mahesh Hampe

Letter to Editor

Virtual Autopsy – will the mouse replace the scalpel?
Dr Santosh Rai


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