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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Year 2007, Volume-1, Issue-2 (July–December)
Print ISSN : 0973-9122
Online ISSN : 0973-9130

Table of contents

Drug abuse an international problem: A short review with special reference to African Continent
Parul Lakhanpal, Arun Kumar Agnihotri

Suicide in elderly: A study in South Delhi (1996–2005)
C Behera, R Rautji, R K Sharma

Medico-Legal aspects of informed consent
Y.S. Bansal, Dalbir Singh

Proposed amendments to the laws relating to sexual assault
Shilekh Mittal, Sonia Garg, Moneeshindra Singh Mittal

Workmen's Compensation Act - Some Reflections
Binod Kumar Patro, Chittaranjan Behera, Ramesh K. Sharma

A study of crime against women role of forensic medicine
T.K.K. Naidu

Biomedical Waste Management - An emerging concern in indian hospitals
Virendar Pal Singh, Gautam Biswas, Jag Jiv Sharma

Estimation of postmortem interval according to time course of potassium ion activity in cadaveric synovial fluid
Nishat A. Sheikh

Book Reviews
Dr. R K Sharma

Book Reviews
Dr. R K Sharma


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