Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Institute of Medico-Legal Publications
Print ISSN: 0973-9122
Online ISSN: 0973-9130
Number of issues per year: 4
Print frequency: Quarterly
Month(s) of publication: March, June, September and December
Description: Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicoloy is a peer reviewed six monthly Journal. It deals with Forensic Medicine, Forensic Science, Toxicoloy, DNA fingerprinting, sexual medicine and environmental medicine. It has been assigned International standard serial No. p - 0973-9122 and e - 0973-9130. website : www.ijfmt.com The journal encourages research from theoretical perspectives, research reports of evidence based practice as well as praxis research work that focuses on the interface between theory and practice and how each can support the other. In addition, the journal strongly encourages reports of research carried out within or involving countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
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