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International Journal of Food and Fermentation Technology
Year : 2012, Volume : 2, Issue : 1
First page : ( 19) Last page : ( 25)
Print ISSN : 2249-1570. Online ISSN : 2277-9396.

Changes in phytochemicals during fermentation of wine grapes

Sharma A. K.*, Navale S.V., Aute S.N., Karibasappa G.S., Oulkar D.P., Adsule P. G.

National Research Centre for Grapes, Pune, Maharashtra, India

*Email: sharmadrajay@gmail.com

Online published on 19 March, 2013.


Changes in various phytoemicals during fermentation of grape cultivars for red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon and Zinfandel) and white wine (Sauvignon Blanc and Charark-4; a cross of Chardonnay and Arkavati) were determined. The fermentation was performed in food grade plastic vessels, using a commercial wine yeast strain Premier Cuveeat 20±1°C. The data were recorded on total phenols, anthocyanin, Ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), DPPH assay and individual phenolic content and amino acids. At the initial stage of fermentation, total phenols were higher in Zinfandel than in Cabernet Sauvignon, but increased to 4-folds at the completion of fermentation. Higher levels of total phenols and antioxidant activities were noted in red wines than in white ones. Free radical scavenging activity (DPPH) was higher in Cabernet Sauvignon than in Zinfandel. However,resveratrol content was more than twice in Zinfandel wine than in Cabernet Sauvignon wine. White wines showed low levels of phenolic compounds and some phenolics viz.; epicatechingallate, resveratrol and kaempferol were found absent. During the process of fermentation quantities of various amino acids were changed.Alanine, serine, lysine and vaniline amino acids were found absent at beginning but on the completion of fermentation presence of these amino acids was confirmed and quantified.



Wine, phytochemicals, phenols, resveratrol, amino acids.


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