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International Journal of Environmental Sciences
Year : 2011, Volume : 2, Issue : 2
First page : ( 659) Last page : ( 670)
Online ISSN : 0976-4402.

Accumulation of heavy metals in fishes: A human health concern

Javed M.*, Usmani N.

Aquatic Toxicology Research Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India-202002

*Email: mehjabeenjaved200@gmail.com

Online published on 11 December, 2012.


Investigations on the accumulation of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, Fe, Co, Mn, Cr and Zn) were carried out three commercially important fishes namely Channa punctatus (murrel), Clarias gariepinus (cat fish) and Labeo rohita (carp). The accumulation was observed in tissues of muscles, liver, kidney, gills, and Integument. The results revealed that the Fe and Zn concentrations were the highest in all tissues analyzed, followed by Ni, Cu, Co, Mn and Cr in almost all the three species. In the muscles of Channa punctatus the order of accumulation is Fe >Zn > Ni > Cu > Co> Mn, whereas in Clarias gariepinus itwasFe>Zn>Ni >Cu=Mn>Co>Cr. In Labeo rohita the pattern of accumulation was Zn> Fe > Ni > Cu > Co > Mn. The order of accumulation of heavy metals was similar in murreIand cat fish.



Heavy metals, fishes, accumulation, muscles, liver, gills.


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