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International Journal of Economic Plants
Year 2024, Volume-11, Issue-2 (May)
Print ISSN : 2349-4727
Online ISSN : 2349-4735

Table of contents RSS Feed

Full Research

Effect of microbial inoculants on growth, yield and quality attributes of brinjal
Deepika Kantyal, Puja Rattan, Ashutosh Sharma, A. Harshavardhan Reddy

In-vitro and In-vivo fungicidal evaluation against false smut (Ustilaginoidea virens) of rice
Somshetty Ravali, S. Ameer Basha, T. Kiran Babu, Y. Chandra Mohan, S. N. C. V. L. Pushpavalli, Banoth Balaji Naik

Emerging threat of Oxyrachis tarandus fabricus infestation on banyan trees (Ficus benghalensis linnaeus)
M. N. Rudra Gouda, J. S. Pavan, M. R. Raiza Nazrin, R. Sharath

Growth allometry of sweet corn as influenced by tillage and seaweed under Tarai region of Nagaland
Shivani Kumari, Lanunola Tzudir, Merentoshi, Hillel M. Chishi, Lenmem Yosung, Takhelmayum Malemnganbi, G. Zion, John Debbarma, Zulutemjen Jamir, Damitre Lytan, B. Selectstar Marwein, Shalini Roy

Critical ranges of zinc in soils and leaves in relation to visual symptoms in apple orchards of temperate Jammu and Kashmir, India
Sanjeev K. Chaudhary, Neeraj Kotwal, Manoj Kumar, Nirmal Sharma, Satish Kumar Sharma

Effect of micronutrient seed treatments on nutrient uptake by Bt cotton in vertisol
A. S. Kale, V. D. Patil, A. P. Garde

Ethnobotanical knowledge and market value of medicinal and aromatic plants in Joshimath block of Chamoli Uttarakhand, India
Praveen Kaparawan, B. P. Nautiyal, A. S. Bisht

A survey on Helopeltis antonii signoret infesting Indian almond, Terminalia catappa L.
S. Rakhesh, S. S. Udikeri, S. G. Hanchinal, S. T. Mahantesh, Chinna Babu Naik, T. Prabhulinga, Sujay Hurali, I. Mahamed Ashiq, Sankuratri Anvesh

An overview of processed fruits export from India: Growth, status and trend
B. Keerthika, M. Thilagavathi, C. Indu Rani, M. Prahadeeswaran, R. Vasanthi

Review Article

“BioClay™”: One step toward the sustainable and novel plant protection method
Hrushikesh K. Vaddoriya, Vaibhav Babasaheb Shelar, Anil Pampaniya, Anvi Panwala

Full Research

Effect of organic manure and biofertilizers on growth and vigour of Swietenia macrophylla king. (Mahogany)
V. Saini, L. K. Behera, S. S. Malek

Isolation, purification and pathogenicity assessment of Fusarium oxysporum schl. f.sp. ciceris inciting wilt disease in chickpea
Bhukya Srinivas, S. Ameer Basha, B. Vidya Sagar, C. V. Sameer Kumar, G. Kiran Reddy

Raising farmers income through the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants
Dinesh Sharma, V. K. Chaudhary, Inder Dev

Changing scenario of groundnut stem and collar rot diseases in major groundnut growing areas of Telangana
J. Chandrakala, B. Pushpavathi, Harikishan Sudini, S. Triveni, K. Supriya

Assessment of tree species diversity, biomass, C and N storage in two sites of dry tropical forest of Chhattisgarh, India
Mexudhan, Jiwan Lal, Gunjan Patil


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