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International Journal of Engineering and Management Research (IJEMR)
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 2
First page : ( 85) Last page : ( 91)
Print ISSN : 2394-6962. Online ISSN : 2250-0758.

Product Promotion in an Era of Shrinking Attention Span

Dr. Subramanian K. R.

Senior Consultant & Professor of Management

Online published on 31 October, 2017.


One of the problems of the digital age is ‘shrinking attention span'. Products will have to be promoted in all ages, electronic, digital or otherwise as we know and somebody has to attend to the message. The present day challenge for the marketing companies is the noise created by promotion and campaign messages in the electronic and mobile media and the skewed time at their disposal for customersto gain attention! The hapless customer is daily bombarded with so many messages that he/she really does not know what to listen and what to switch off. This being so, the product marketing companies have to daily contend with this phenomenon. This research paper deals with this subject and will review how companies are dealing with this situation currently and their future challenges with the anticipated proliferation of electronic gadgets and the corresponding increase in noise levels! The idea of this research paper owes its origin and conceptualization to a few youngsters who were disturbed by electronic media bombardment. Some solutions and thoughts for action are given at the end of the paper in conclusion.



Shrinking attention span, digital age and electronic message, bombardment of messages and the hapless customer, increasing gadgets and solution for this!.


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