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Indian Journal of Economics and Development

Publisher: The Society of Economics and Development
Print ISSN: 2277-5412
Online ISSN: 2322-0430
Number of issues per year: 4
Print frequency: Quarterly
Month(s) of publication: March, June, September and December

Indian Journal of Economics and Development (Indian J Econ Dev) a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, published quarterly by the Society of Economics and Development, is dedicated to increase the depth of the subject across disciplines of economics, agricultural economics, agricultural marketing,development, management, consumer behaviour, sociological studies and so on with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject. Indian Journal of Economics and Development is managed by the distinguished group of academicians and public men engaged in promoting the research related to economics and development. Indian Journal of Economics and Development publishes research articles, review articles,general articles, research notes, short communications, abstracts of M.Sc. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations, etc For submission of Manuscript please visit: https://soed.in/soed2012/registration.php

Indexing and Abstracting: SCOPUS, WOS(Emerging Sources Citation Index); NAAS - 5.15(2021); CiteFactor; Cab; J-Gate; Infobase Index; EconLit (www.aeaweb.org); Ulrichweb; CNKI Scholar; Research Bible; Google Scholar; Ebsco Discovery; Directory of Science; ESJIndex.org; DRJI; GIF; IJFactor; I2OR; ISRA-JIF

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