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Journal of Innovation in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Year 2012, Volume-2, Issue-2 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 2249-9946
Online ISSN : 2455-3514

Table of contents

Prof. Dr. H. S. Saini


Relationship between Taste Sensor Response and Amount of Quinine Adsorbed on Lipid/Polymer Membrane
Takuro Fukagawa, Yusuke Tahara, Masato Yasuura, Masaaki Habara, Hidekazu Ikezaki, Kiyoshi Toko

Multilevel Network protection Based on Palm Print Biometric
Gaurav Bansal, Rajni Bala

FPGA Implementation of RSA Encryption and CRT based Decryption using Parallel Architecture
Shashank Adimulam

Cognitive Radio: Advanced & New Frontier in Wireless Communication
Pradumna Milind Panditrao

Improvement of GSM QoS using 4 KPIs
Madhav Khandelwal, Anuradha Kaul, Vinayak Patil

Modeling of Redundancy Analyzer in Built In Self Repair for RAMs
Ragi Sujana, M. Asha Rani

Performance Evaluation of Atmoslets2Gand Validation of Wind Data using GPS Data
S. Leela Lakshmi, V. Rajani Kanth, S Varada Rajan

Image Compression and Recovery using Compressive Sampling and Particle Swarm
B. Nithin Reddy, Srinivasulu Tadisetty

A Novel Method of White Blood Cell Segmentation and Counting
J. B. Nemane, V. A. Chakkarwar

A Channel State Analysis of ARS and CRAS in 802.16 WiMax Networks
A. Maheswara Rao, S. Varadarajan, M.N. Giriprasad

The Effect of Window Parameter in Kaiser and Gaussian Windows on the Processing of Atmospheric Signals
P. Jagadamba, P. Satyanarayana

An Efficient Route Selection Policy Protocol for Multi-path Routing in MANETS
S. Soundararajan, R.S. Bhuvaneswaran


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