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Journal of Innovation in Electronics and Communication Engineering
Year 2020, Volume-10, Issue-2 (July-December)
Print ISSN : 2249-9946
Online ISSN : 2455-3514

Table of contents RSS Feed

Analysis, Modeling and Design of Closed-loop ZETA Converter
Korhan Cengiz, Salil Kamra

FPGA Implementation of Biometric EVM using AADHAAR Authentication
Rakesh Tripathi, Anuradha Kumari

Smart Machine Learning Based Cotton Leaf Disease Detection System using Raspberry Pi
Asha S Manek, Vineeta, Pranay Mishra

Brain Tumor Detection and Classification Using Matlab Graphical User Interface (GUI)
K Bhanushree, T Jagannadha Swamy

Design and Development of Low Power Event Logger System
Nalini C Iyer, V S Saroja, Vaibhav Sugandhi, Aishwarya Pattar

Comparative Study and Enhancement of Various Classification Algorithms in Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus
Abhirupa Mitra, R Lokeshkumar

Vehicular Emergency System Using Tracking System and XBee Technologies with SDN
T Padma, S Rajeshwari, S Shalini

Design and Implementation of QPSK Modulator and Demodulator
Amit Kumar Gupta, Vikas Maheshwari

An Analysis on Smart Agriculture using IOT
Nimmagadda Sai Krishna

Safety Alerting System for Drowsy Driver
Srilatha Puli, Ami Reddy Manish Reddy, Mungala Sainath Reddy, Duddla Vageesh Arya


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