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Indian Journal of Ecology
Year : 2022, Volume : 49, Issue : 5
First page : ( 1581) Last page : ( 1587)
Print ISSN : 0304-5250.
Article DOI : 10.55362/IJE/2022/3700

Herpeto-faunal diversity study: Analysis and critical observations from south-eastern Rajasthan, India

Yadav Vijay Kumar*, Nama Krishnendra Singh1, Sudhindran Rimal2

World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF), Jaipur-302 018, India

1Department of Botany, Lzebra College, Kota- 324 005, India

2The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, Kota-324 002, India

*E-mail: yadavvijaykumar3@gmail.com

Online Published on 18 November, 2022.


Herpeto-fauna provides an important array to wildlife and also tangible and intangible ecosystem services. The diversity of Herpeto-fauna in a specific area solely determines the qualitative as well as quantitative rapid data analysis of habitat modifications because of its resilient nature. The present investigation deals with the amphibians and reptile survey conducted between years 2017–2019 at Jhalawar District of Rajasthan. Random plots were selected along with relevant habitats were surveyed and observed for amphibians and reptiles. Relevant habitats include streams, floodplains, mountain meadows, caves, cliffs, bogs and manmade structures. A total of amphibians and reptiles, representing 45 species, using area-constrained searches of random plots and specialized habitats, placement of artificial cover boards, night driving and incidental observations. The regress survey revealed that species belonging to 18 families included 20 snakes, 8 lizards, 5 turtles and tortoise, and 12 amphibians. In lizards, a species was recorded first time from the south-eastern Rajasthan, i.e. Indian Chameleon (Chamaeleo zeylanicus) new distribution record in Rajasthan and Short-tailed Agama (Calotes minor) was re-reported after 20 years from South-eastern Rajasthan. In the present study observation and data recorded will serveline information among the students, researchers and nature lovers.



Amphibian, Diversity, Habitats, Jhalawar, Rajasthan, Reptiles.


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