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Indian Journal of Ecology
Year : 2022, Volume : 49, Issue : 2
First page : ( 462) Last page : ( 469)
Print ISSN : 0304-5250.
Article DOI : 10.55362/IJE/2022/3546

Precipitation Concentration Index and Rainfall Trend Analysis for South Western Districts of Karnataka, India

Bharath A.L.*, Venkatesh B.

National Institute of Hydrology, HRRC, Bel gavi-590 001, India

*E-mail: bharath.viswakarma@gmail.com

Online published on 2 July, 2022.


A statistical analysis of the annual and seasonal (monsoon) rainfall was carried out for different stations located in south western districts of Karnataka state (adjoining to Western Ghats). The statistical methods such precipitation concentration index analysis (PCI), trend analysis using Sen's slope and Man-Kendall were employed for the observed data between 1960–2018. The findings show that the Spatiotemporal distribution of rainfall in these districts has changed during the later part of the data period, i.e., 1990–2018. There is no discernible upward trend in the region's rainfall. The erratic and increasing pattern of rainfall it these district may lead to the flash floods and at times drought situations. The results may of use to the water resources manager and planner of the region to devise an appropriate contingent plan to minimise the loss and for effective management of water resources.



Precipitation concentration index, Mann-Kendell, Dry and wet periods, Soil erosion.


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