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Indian Journal of Ecology
Year : 2021, Volume : 48, Issue : spl
First page : ( 39) Last page : ( 44)
Print ISSN : 0304-5250.

Impact of covid-19 lockdown in India a bliss among chaos on environment and society

Sivaprakasam Satish, Joshua Vasna*

Indian Council of Medical Research National Institute of Epidemiology, Ayapakkam, Chennai-600 077, India

*E-m ail: vasnajoshua@yahoo.com

Online published on 16 August, 2021.


On March 24, 2020, the government of India announced a 21 -day nationwide lockdown to control and contain the spread of COVID- 19′s community transmission in the country. The COVID-19 lockdown in India had positive effects on the environment and society. It has led to reduced pollution of air, water, sound, and atmosphere. The less interference of human beings allowed the birds and animals to move freely. Personal communications have also changed to electronic and digital communication. Telemedicine services have revived. Evidence suggests the lockdown has enriched nature, helped flora and fauna to flourish, mended human relationships, brought in human values, and less morality in Indian society. The largest ever-seen lockdown in the country has made nature heal itself.



Covid-19, India, Lockdown, Environment, Society, Pollution, Nature.


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