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Indian Journal of Comparative Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases
Year : 2021, Volume : 42, Issue : spl
First page : ( 76) Last page : ( 82)
Print ISSN : 0970-9320. Online ISSN : 0974-0147.
Article DOI : 10.5958/0974-0147.2021.00021.0

Ethno-veterinary herbal formulations: An indigenous strategy to reduce use of antibiotics in the management of livestock health>

Nair M.N. Balakrishnan1,*, Punniamurthy N.2, Kumar S.K.1, Shankar Darshan1

1Center for Ethno-veterinary Science and Practice, The University of Trans-disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (TDU), Jarakabandekaval, Attur Post (Via) Yelahanka, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

2GLOHMSIWA Research Labs Pvt. Ltd., No. 168, 6th Street, Rethinasamy Nagar, N.K. Road, Nanjikottai, Thanjavur-613006, Tamil Nadu, India

*Corresponding author E-mail id: nair.mnb@tdu.edu.in

Online published on 20 November, 2021.


In India, the dairy sector is an important component in rural livelihoods. To enhance production of milk, a crossbreeding strategy with exotic breeds was introduced in India in the 1960s. The unintended side effect of this strategy was a high incidence of diseases in cross-bred animals and therefore antibiotics had to be extensively used. This led to high drug-residues in the animal products like milk and meat. This was compounded by excessive and indiscriminate use of antibiotics for the management of infectious diseases in humans, as well as crop plants. This profusion of antibiotic use has evidently created antimicrobial resistance (AMR). AMR is today a worldwide problem. A major part of the antibiotics used (≍90%) end up in the environment affecting the quality of water, soils, and biodiversity. AMR makes it harder to eliminate infections from the body as existing mainstream drugs become ineffective. One of the urgent needs is to reduce the use of antibiotics in healthcare management. It is in this context that traditional medicinal plant based ethno-veterinary practices (EVP) derived from indigenous science of Mrugayurveda are important alternatives to reduce dependence on antibiotics in veterinary health care and thereby minimize drug-residues in animal products like milk and meat, which give rise to AMR issues in human populations. This article narrates some positive field experiences from India.



Antibiotic residue, Alternative to antibiotics, Ethno-veterinary practices, Herbal formulation and livestock health.


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