Recovery of live Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis from milk and milk products from North India Shankar H., Singh S.V.*, Singh P.K., Singh A.V., Sohal J.S. Veterinary Microbiology Laboratory, Animal Health Division, Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, PO - FARAH, District - MATHURA - 281 122 (U.P.) *Corresponding author: e.mail - shoorvir.singh@gmail.com
Abstract Live and cultivable Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) were recovered from 43.7, 72.2, and 55.5% samples of raw milk, pasteurized milk and milk products from North India. Screening of 43 samples by culture and PCR tests showed that culture was more sensitive than PCR. Maximum recovery of MAP was from fat layer followed by sediment layer. Majority of the cultures were pauci-bacillary (<10 colonies). MAP colonies appeared as early as on 6th week post inoculation (wpi) and continued to appear up to 17 wpi. In PCR, 6.2, 38.8 and 22.2% samples from raw milk, pasteurized milk and milk products, were positive, respectively. All positive cultures were confirmed as MAP by IS 900 and IS 1311 PCR. Excretion of MAP in raw milk samples indicated infection of lactating animals with MAP. Genotype profiles of MAP isolates showed that ‘Indian Bison type’ was major genotype followed by ‘Cattle type’ infecting bovine (cattle and buffaloes) population of North India. Presence of live MAP bacilli in pasteurized milk and milk products pose serious threat to human population. Top | | |
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