Serological evidence of bovine herpes virus 1 antibodies in cattle and buffaloes from different states of India Nandi S.*, Pandey A.B., Audarya S.D., Suresh I. Virus Laboratory Centre for Animal Disease Research and Diagnosis Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar - 243 122 (U.P.) *Correspondong author E-mail: snandi03@yahoo.com
Abstract The presence of antibodies in serum samples of cattle and buffaloes to bovine herpes virus 1 (BHV 1) was evaluated by micro serum neutralization test in nine states spread along North and Central region of India. The serum samples were collected/received from unvaccinated cattle and buffaloes and screened for BHV1 antibodies by micro-SNT, a sensitive and reliable test recommended by OIE and accepted internationally in the trade of livestock. A total of 2198 serum samples (2171 of cattle and 27 of buffaloes) were screened for presence of BHV1 antibodies. A total of 1028 (46.77%) serum samples of cattle and 17 (62.96%) of buffaloes, respectively, were found positive by micro-SNT. Top | | | |
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