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Indian Journal of Cryogenics
Year 2022, Volume-47, Issue-1 (January)
Print ISSN : 0379-0479
Online ISSN : 2349-2120

Table of contents RSS Feed

T.S. Datta

Conceptualization of a dual-mode LOX-LIN plant at BARC
Anindya Chakravarty, Mohananand M. Jadhav, Abhilash Chakravarty, Naseem A. Ansari, Rajendran S. Menon, Tejas R. Rane, Sandeep R. Nair, Jitendra Kumar, Naveen Kumar, Satish K. Bharti, Ankit Jain, V. Sugadan

Vapour cooled current leads-operations and control for Nb3 Sn coil test
Rohit Panchal, Rakesh Patel, Dashrath Sonara, Gaurang Mahesuria, Hiren Nimavat, Atul Garg, Dikens Christian, Pradip Panchal, Gaurav Purwar, Arvind Kumar Tomar, M. Ghate, P. Raj, Upendra Prasad, Vipul Tanna

Cooling plates heat loss estimation for 50 kJ HTS SMES using coupled magneto-thermal transient analysis with a varying ramp rate
Ankit Anand, Abhay Singh Gour, T. S. Datt, Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

Conceptual design of open source IoT based software solution for Cryogenic experiments
Ramesh Joshi, H M Jadav, Sunil Kumar, Vishnu Patel

Preliminary studies on the development of planar inductor-based sensors for RRR measurement of thin-film Nb-coated samples
Namitha Venugopal, K H Abdul Nazer, Hrithik Krishna Raj, Pankaj Sagar

Comparative studies on journal bearings for turboexpanders of a dual mode LOX-LIN plant at BARC, Mumbai
Ankit Jain, Mohananand Jadhav, Anindya Chakravarty, Mukesh Goyal, Naveen Kumar, V. Sugadan

Development and testing of joints in high temperature superconducting power cable
Isaac de Souza, Harris K. Hassan, Abhik Sarkar, Maalika Sarkar, Abhay Singh Gour, Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

Extraction of high purity oxygen using waste gas recovery of existing liquid nitrogen plant
K V Srinivasan, Vijay Arolkar, John Jesudasan

Design and manufacturing of ITER cryolines and warmlines: an Indian contribution
Himanshu Kapoor, Ketan Choukekar, Uday Kumar, Vikas Gaur, Bikash Dash, Shk Madeenavalli, Nitin Shah, Hitensinh Vaghela, Mohit Jadon, Jean-Luc Fournier, Lahcene Benkheira, Adrien Forgeas, David Grillot, Biswanath Sarkar, Rajkumar Panjwani, Bhumika Joshi, Hardik Vyas, Hiren Kanzaria, Vijay Gehani, Dipali Vaidya, Gyanchand Tawanee, Kirit Patel, K V Murgan, Sanjay Gajera, Ajay Sisodiya

VECC penning trap operation at Cryogenic temperature
P. Das, J. Nandi, A. K. Sikdar, N. Chaddha, A. Mishra, A. Reza, K. Banerjee, A. Ray

Magnetic shield effect for 8 MW high temperature superconducting synchronous motor
Divya Kumar Sharma, V A S Muralidhar Bathula, Abhay Singh Gour

Comparative study and sensitivity analysis on different coil design approach for 1 T HTS extremity MRI magnet
Sumit Kumar Chand, Abhay Singh Gour, Tripti Sekhar Datta

Analysis of active pressurization methods for a cryogenic propellant tank
Vishnu Viswanath, Deepak Kumar Agarwal, John Tharakan

Numerical modelling of a pressure wave refrigerator
S. Zafar, T. K. Nandi

Thermal performance assessment of tungsten based magneto-resistive heat switch at different oblique plane angles for space application
Gautam Ranjan, Yash Bhausaheb Desale, K. S. Patel, B. Kiran Naik, Vivek Kumar Singh

Enhancement in energy resolution of silicon surface barrier detector at low temperature
J. Nandi, A. K. Sikdar, Deepak Pandit, P. Das, A. Ray

Development of lab scale conduction cooled HTS magnets
Piyush Raj, Anees Bano, Arun Panchal, Pankaj Varmora, Deven Kanabar, Bhadresh Parghi, Upendra Prasad

Machine learning algorithms for two-phase heat transfer and pressure drop estimation for Joule Thomson Cryocoolers
Dasari Venkatesh, G. Venkatarathnam

Numerical simulation of high temperature gas condensation in a flowing Cryogenic liquid for semicryogenic engine applications
Anant Singhal, Deepak K. Agarwal, Atul Srivastava, M. D. Atrey

8-Channel cryogenic temperature monitors with RS-232 interface & TRV data-logger
Joby Antony, Rajesh Nirdoshi

Development of a distillation column for a dual-mode LOX-LIN plant at BARC
Abhilash Chakravarty, Anindya Chakravarty, Mukesh Goyal, V. Sugadan

Effect of magnetic fields due to electric currents in an HTS power cable and estimation of stress
Isaac de Souza, Ankit Anand, Abhay Singh Gour, Vutukuru Vasudeva Rao

Investigation of helium flow impedance issues in the capillary based experimental cryostats
K V Srinivasan, Vijay Arolkar, Suvasis Swain, K A Jaison

Numerical analysis of the effect of nanoparticles on thermal characteristics of biological tissue during a cryosurgery
Rajeev Kumar Mandal, Sumit Kumar

Performance evaluation of sintered and stacked mesh regenerator for stirling cycle based LN2 plant
Praveen Topagi, S. Prabhakara, S. L. Bapat, M. D. Atrey

Performance prediction of cryogenic/semi-cryogenic rocket engines by using multi-sensor data fusion techniques
Mallappa, S. Ramesh, D. Gilbert Chandra, T. K. Nandi

Cryogenic characterisation of polyurethane foam for thermal insulation of cryogenic tanks of launch vehicles
A Suresh Kumar, P S Nikhil, T Antony Prabhu, A M Nallaperumal, R Muraleekrishnan, S A Ilangovan


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