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Indian Journal of Cryogenics
Year 2012, Volume-37, Issue-1–4 (January–December)
Print ISSN : 0379-0479

Table of contents

T S Datta, R G Sharma

Plenary Papers

Growth of Cryogenics and Superconductivity in India
Tripti Sekhar Datta, Ram Gopal Sharma

Design and analysis of large-scale helium liquefiers/refrigerators: Issues with modeling and simulation
Parthasarathi Ghosh, Rijo Jacob Thomas, Rohan Dutta, Kanchan Chowdhury

High Temperature Superconductor Applications in the field of Electricity: Present and Future
Jayateerth Managoli

Cryo Component Development & Analysis

Simulation tool for determining dynamic characteristics of high speed cryogenic rotor bearing systems by comparison with experiments
S. Arun, Mohananand Jadhav, Anindya Chakravarty, Trilok Singh

Optimization Analysis of Liquefaction Cycles for Nitrogen
Balaji Kr Choudhury, S. A. Alur, R. K. Sahoo, Sunil Kr Sarangi

High Speed Cryogenic Turboexpander Rotor for stable operation up to 4.5 kHz Rotational Speed
Rajendran Menon, Anindya Chakravarty, Mukesh Goyal, Mohananand Jadhav, S. Arun, Satish Kumar Bharti, Trilok Singh

Magnetic Abrasive Finishing (MAF) of Flat Thrust Bearing Surfaces and Cylindrical Shafts for Ultra High Speed Cryogenic Applications
R. Sandeep Nair, Rajendran S. Menon, Trilok Singh

Development and Study of an Indigenous Helium Purifier based on Low Temperature High Pressure Adsorption of Impurities
Trijit K. Maiti, Ranadhir Dey, R. K. Sahoo, Sunil K. Sarangi

Design and Development of HTS Magnet Insert to produce 12 T of Magnetic Field
J. Pradhan, U. Bhunia, Md. Z.A. Naser, A. Roy, S.K. Thakur, T.K. Bhattacharyya, A. De, S. Bandyopadhyay, U. Panda, M. Das, C. Mallik, S. Saha

Optimization for Solenoid-type Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Coil
U Bhunia, J Pradhan, S Saha, C Mallik, R K Bhandari

Effective thermal conductivity of an axial groove cryogenic heat pipe
M. Senthil Kumar, A. Senthil Kumar

Heat Transfer and Flow Friction Studies on Perforated Plates Using Fluent ™
S. Sunil Kumar, T. K. Nandi

Experimental Studies on Tube-In-Tube Compact Heat Exchanger
V. Natarajan, P. Senthii Kumar

Quench Protection System for 1 MJ Superconducting Magnet Coil For SMES Project at VECC, Kolkata
S. K. Thakur, A. Bera, Y. Kumar, U. Bhunia, J. Pradhan, S. Saha

Development of Vapour Shielded Liquid Helium Dewar
Mukesh Goyal, Rajendran S. Menon, Trilok Singh

Cryogenics for Space, Accelerator & Tokamak

Reliability and functional testing scheme for cold circulating pumps required to cool large size fusion grade superconducting magnets and cryo-pumps
H. Vaghela, R. Bhattacharya, B. Sarkar, S. Badgujar, N. Shah

Design and Fabrication of Scan Tube for Field Measurement of Superconducting Magnet of Ion Trap Project at VECC
S. Saha, M. Ahammed, S. Singh, B. Hemram, Y.E. Rao, N.P. Mandai, A. Dutta Gupta, J. Chaudhury, A. Roy, P. Das, R. K. Bhandari

Cryogenic Distribution System for ITER Proto-type Cryoline Test
R. Bhattacharya, N. Shah, S. Badgujar, B. Sarkar

Cryostat for superconducting radio-frequency cavity program at VECC Kolkata
S. K. Mishra, S. Bajirao, S. Bhattacharya, C. Nandi, T.K. Bhattacharyya, S. Som, G. Pal, R.K. Bhandari

Static and Dynamic Behavior of Cryogenically Cooled Hydrostatic Journal Bearings for Space Applications
Mukesh Kumar, T.K. Nandi

Experiences in the commissioning of new helium liquefier at VECC and the respective remedial actions
Sandip Pal, U. Panda, A. Mukherjee, T. Maiti, R. Dey

Design Approach Of Seismic Interface For Cryoline With Tokamak Building For ITER
S. Badgujar, B. Sarkar, H. Vaghela, N. Shah, H. B. Naik

Cryogenic pump at 4 K temperature level -basic hydro-dynamic design approach
H. Vaghela, J. Banerjee, H. Naik, B. Sarkar


Phase Angle and Flow Pattern studies for Inertance Tube Pulse Tube Refrigerator
Rajeev Hatwar, M.D. Atrey

Development and Performance Tests of Miniature Stirling Cryocooler
Mohananand Jadhav, Rajendran Menon, Trilok Singh

Motoring test of a stirling cycle engine system while acting as a cooler
D. J. Shendage, S. B. Kedare, S. L. Bapat

Dynamic Analysis of a Free Piston Free Displacer Split Stirling Cryocooler with pressure losses
Tejinder Kumar Jindal

Comparison of different numerical models for the analysis of two stage pulse tube cryocooler
G.B. Krishnappa, D. Madhu, S. Kasthurirengan

Cryogenic Instrumentation

Data logging, Graphical Process Visualization of Cryogenic Plant Parameters through PLC
K V Srinivasan

EPICS Based Control System For Cryogenic Plant At VECC
Umashankar Panda, Sandip Pal, Anupam Mandai, Ranadhir Dey

SC Material

Magnetic properties of Ni-Mn-Sn Heusler Alloy
S. Esakki Muthu, U. Devarajan, S. Arumugam, N.V. Rama Rao, M. Manivel Raja

Effect of cryotreatment on the wear performance of Tungsten carbide tools
D.S. Nadig, G.V. Satisha

Low Temperature Magnetization and Resistivity Studies on 3d-TM substituted at Mn site Bi -Manganite
D. Vijayan, Joji Kurian, R. Singh

Synergetic effect of 200 MeV Ag ions and Y2O3 inclusions on critical current density in Y1-xCaxBa2Cu3O7-d thick film
Arpna Kujur, P.N. Viswakarma, Alok Banerjee, D. Kanjila, D. Behera


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