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International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Applied Sciences
Year : 2015, Volume : 4, Issue : 1
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 15)
Online ISSN : 2278-6252.

Effect of cyanobacterial biofertilizer on soil nutrients and mulberry leaf quality and its impact on silkworm crops

Chikkaswamy B. K.

Sigma Bio Science Research Center, Indira Nagar, Bangalore

Online published on 10 April, 2015.


The present field experiment was conducted to study the effect of cyanobacterial biofertilizer (CBB) along with and without chemical (NPK) fertilizer on soil nutrients and leaf quality traits of mulberry. Eleven CBB treated mulberry plots (Tl to Tl2) and one control plot (T12) were maintained and data on soil pH, soil nutrients and leaf quality traits were recorded in each of these experimental plots for every crop. The soil nutrients were increased whereas; the soil pH was decreased in different CBB treated plots as compared to control plot. Among different CBB treatments, T9 (Av + Nm + Sm (120kg/ha/crop)+ 50% NPK) exhibited superior performance with regard to leaf quality traits and was found on par with control 772 (100% NPK). Bioassay study also revealed no significant difference in silkworm growth and cocoon characters between treatments T9 and TI2. Overall results showed that T9 was very effective in terms of improvement in soil nutrients and leaf quality traits in mulberry. Further, it is also clear from the study that 50% reduction in the dose of chemical fertilizer can be compensated by the addition of higher dose of CBB. Therefore, CBB can be recommended to the sericulture farmers with an intension to improve the soil fertility condition and leaf quality traits besides saving 50% cost of chemical fertilizers.



Cyanobacteria, mulberry leaf quality, leaf yield, soil nutrients, cocoon characters.


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